Welcome to my 365 project

Inspired by a group of people, I have decided to create my own 365 blog. In this blog, I shall attempt to post a photo a day which will hopefully give a little insight into what I've been up to. While I hope to be able to share this with all of you, this is also a photographic journal.

Each day is a new dawn, and here's hoping that in 2009, each day will be a new fine dawn.

Tuesday 10 March 2009


Joshua looooves his food and rarely says no to it, and generally when he does we know he's ill. Tonight, after eating all of his dinner (homemade burgers, tomato wedges and cucumber slices), he proceeded to eat his yoghurt with the aid of his spoon and his fork! It was quite cute and he was taking turns using his cutlery. I didn't get a chance to use my camera today and had to take this photo with my phone, which was to hand.

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