Welcome to my 365 project

Inspired by a group of people, I have decided to create my own 365 blog. In this blog, I shall attempt to post a photo a day which will hopefully give a little insight into what I've been up to. While I hope to be able to share this with all of you, this is also a photographic journal.

Each day is a new dawn, and here's hoping that in 2009, each day will be a new fine dawn.

Thursday 12 March 2009


These are our recycling bins. The Borough we live in is quite green and always trying to incentivate more recycling. It's the first place I've lived in where I've been able to recycle food!
Today I finally filled in a form (almost one year late) to get money back towards the purchase of cloth nappies. I really did not need an incentive to buy those cute fluffy nappies, but if they want to give me money, why not? :-)


  1. Hi Teenie,
    Wow, what do you get as a subsidy to help with your cloth nappy stash?

    I'm in Australia - I don't think there is anything widepread like that here yet, though I've heard some rumblings.

    Which nappies do you use? I just bought a recycled fitted nappy made from reclaimed fabrics at 'Flannel Fings' in Australia - made from denim jeans, recycled towelling and a pair of PJ's. I can wait to get them on Monday I hope.

    Food recycling? Where does it go - a compost? We had chickens, they are fabulous. Just 2 of them.

    Off to have a bit more of a wander in your blog it looks great.


    P.S Have you heard about reducing your nappy use a tad with some baby pottying, or EC? There are groups in the UK. Pop over to my site if you are curious!

  2. So cool that you can recycle so much!!! ♥

  3. Is it sad to enjoy recycling? The only thing I don't recycle is food as I just don't have the space to. Glad you are getting money back for your nappies - don't think I can :( x
