Welcome to my 365 project

Inspired by a group of people, I have decided to create my own 365 blog. In this blog, I shall attempt to post a photo a day which will hopefully give a little insight into what I've been up to. While I hope to be able to share this with all of you, this is also a photographic journal.

Each day is a new dawn, and here's hoping that in 2009, each day will be a new fine dawn.

Monday 18 May 2009


Guess what taro got in the post today???
Our very own Sack Boy! They seem to be selling for a lot on e-bay in the US, but this one is not for sale! It's one of 5000 and is not for sale in the shops, so a rare collector's item! We won it through a marketing ploy to get people to sign up to Little Big Planet's own Youtube page.

1 comment:

  1. that is awesome!! might get mum to knit one like it lol
