Welcome to my 365 project

Inspired by a group of people, I have decided to create my own 365 blog. In this blog, I shall attempt to post a photo a day which will hopefully give a little insight into what I've been up to. While I hope to be able to share this with all of you, this is also a photographic journal.

Each day is a new dawn, and here's hoping that in 2009, each day will be a new fine dawn.

Friday 23 January 2009


Joshua had his first haircut ever today. I cut it myself and it looks dreadful. In an attempt to keep him still, I put the TV on and gave him a biscuit. It worked for five minutes...


  1. oh Teenie - good effort... but there is a phrase- never let your mum cut your hair!! Will have to teach it to Joshua in English and Portugese lol xxx

  2. He's still as handsome as can be! Even with messy cookie on his face! The haircut isn't that bad!

  3. I agree, he is still a cutie pie! And you should have seen when I tried to give mason his first haircut! YIKES! LOL! so from then on out, I took him to the pro's. haha

  4. lol, I most probably won't be cutting it again. :-P

  5. lol I've done the awful hair cuts too :( He looks very handsome!

  6. I've been there! At least hair grows fast and it doesn't take away from his cuteness! He's darling. :)
